Connecting with your Angels
Welcome to my site! I can help you with answers to your special Life Purpose, Romance/Love, or General Guidance to your questions. What do the Angels have to say to you? I am a Certified Angel Tarot Card Reader, certified by Radleigh Valentine. The Angels are here to help us on the earthly plane, we only need to ask for their assistance.

I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. Even as a young child, I felt Angelic presence in my life and have always believed they are beside/around us to protect us and give us support. Additionally, I have always been fascinated with the wonderful world of the Tarot cards. But, for many years I thought many of the images on the decks were either scary or intimidating. But one day I found the Angel Tarot deck, and 'felt I came home', the images and energy of the cards were gentle, loving and positive. The Angels are here to give us guidance in a loving, (sometime playful!) supportive way. All we need to do, is ask!
Get in touch with me to schedule your Intuitive Reading appointment.

Why am I here?
What am I suppose to do with my life?
What is my work in the world?
You are here for a unique and special purpose and, only YOU have this gift/talent to complete this work.
This very popular reading for your special life purpose can answer these kinds of questions.
Don't waste another minute doing unfulfilling work----'just to pay the bills'---'or just for the money'---BE---who you were meant to be in this life, and start living it----today!
Get insight to this- life partner or twin flame connection.
3-card spread is a past/present/future reading for a more general view.
10-card spread is a Celtic cross spread for more details/information into a situation.
The most popular reading, this 3-card spread or 10-card spread reveals insights to your specific questions and/or goals. The energies that are around you at this time.
The more clear your intent or question, then the better insights become available. It is important to take a few moments before your reading to, center, focus, so the Angels/Spirit guides, the Divine God of your individual heart can come through.
This 15 minute reading is a way to quickly look into your past, present and future and how they are relate to your life journey.
This 45 minute reading enables more depth into answering your questions and potential paths to consider.

"All IS Well"
Louise Hay
My coaching sessions and card readings are a form of spiritual healing and consulting. They do not claim to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease or condition. Nor are they intended to prescribe in any way.
You have free will. Your reading is an insight only. You have the power to change your reading at any time.
Appointments are by phone only. Payment must be received and cleared before the time of the appointment.